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On the main computer you use for MATLAB, how much RAM is installed?
<= 6 GB
7–12 GB
13–22 GB
23–46 GB
47–90 GB
>= 91 GB
15925 votes
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When evaluating these responses, please remember that Mathworks products aren't the only software running on the machine. Further, I would like to use the RAM on my machine to do data analysis of increasingly large problems. I don't want to use the RAM on my machine to support increasingly bloated software.
nice mathlab
Nice question
I have installed 16 GB of RAM in dual Channel 3200 MHZ, my sistem is optimized for performance, and my CPU has 8 cores and 16 threads. Nonetheless, when I'm customizing some plots, Matlab get stucked, so I check the resources usage and them I see It's consumption never surpasses 9% or CPU and 3,5% GB of RAM. Why does It happen?
I am using 64 G and previous 128 G. I analyze microscopic images. Sometime the stitched image can reach 10k*20k in pixel numbers, and the cache required for analysis can peak over 100 G. It is also likely my coding is bad, therefore resource intense
i wonder what the guys with > 91 are doing with matlab
I think it would be more sensible to have the intervals start and stop at multiples of 8GB
idk, I'm on my school chromebook