Congratulations, Adam Danz, for winning the Editor's Pick award for MATLAB Answers!


Congratulations, Adam Danz, for winning the Editor's Pick award for MATLAB Answers!

Toshiaki Takeuchi le 1 Oct 2023
Dernière activité Réponse par Adam Danz le 2 Oct 2023

Congratulations, @Adam Danz for winning the Editor's Pick badge awarded for MATLAB Answers, in recognition of your awesome solution in overlapping images in grid layout.
Thank you for going to great lengths to help a user in this thread by suggesting alternative approach to representing stack of playing cards in MATLAB, highlighting very interesting features like hggroup.
This badge recognizes awesome answers people contribute and yours was picked for providing a very detailed and helpful answer.
Thank you so much for setting a high standard for MATLAB Answers and for your ongoing contribution to the community.
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Adam Danz
Adam Danz le 2 Oct 2023
It was fun to make solitaire a group activity! 🙂 ♠️♥️♦️♣️
Rik le 1 Oct 2023

These editor's pick threads are always an interesting read, well done Adam!

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