

How many code files are typically in your MATLAB Projects (scripts, functions, classes, tests)?

Jeff Owen
Jeff Owen le 20 Juil 2024 à 16:47
I like to create lots of custom functions to make the code simpler, more compact. Ideally, each function would fit on one screen.
Dawid le 2 Juil 2024 à 7:51
mustafa birkan
mustafa birkan le 20 Mai 2024
Eng. Fredius Magige
Eng. Fredius Magige le 14 Mai 2024
Matlab has assist me to tackle many analytical challenges; few years to come it will lead many available tool, from simple to complex ones
Daniele Lupo
Daniele Lupo le 7 Mai 2024
I'm developing programs in different languages. The main one is C++, but also C#, Python etc, so when I need to design a matlab tool that's bigger than a simple script I always try to make a OO design and use classes. It helps me a lot when the tool grows and became more and more complex.
Steve Lenk
Steve Lenk le 27 Juin 2024 à 22:32
Check out PFDS (Programmer Friendly Data Structures), an OO implementation of Nodes and Data Structures in MATLAB on Mathworks.com
Extend nodes and even data structures to solve the problems you wish to solve. I plan to use it to further develop ToyWorld. It is also educational for me.
Pls enjoy, even though it's a bit perebor.


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