Introducing the ‘People’ Page
Chen Lin
le 12 Fév 2025
Dernière activité Réponse par Christopher Stapels
le 13 Fév 2025
Have you ever wanted to search for a community member but didn't know where to start? Or perhaps you knew where to search but couldn't find enough information from the results? You're not alone. Many community users have shared this frustration with us. That's why the community team is excited to introduce the new ‘People’ page to address this need.

What Does the ‘People’ Page Offer?
- Comprehensive User Search: Search for users across different applications seamlessly.
- Detailed User Information: View a list of community members along with additional details such as their join date, rankings, and total contributions.
- Sorting Options: Use the ‘sort by’ filter located below the search bar to organize the list according to your preferences.
- Easy Navigation: Access the Answers, File Exchange, and Cody Leaderboard by clicking the ‘Leaderboards’ button in the upper right corner.
In summary, the ‘People’ page provides a gateway to search for individuals and gain deeper insights into the community.
How Can You Access It?
Navigate to the global menu, click on the ‘More’ link, and you’ll find the ‘People’ option.

Now you know where to go if you want to search for a user. We encourage you to give it a try and share your feedback with us.
4 commentaires
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Also I can search here for my own stuff :) Thanks for the page!
Fantastic addition to the MATLAB Central community! Sometimes I'm searching for someone to remind myself of their contributions but I don't recall whether I've seen their work in Answers, Discussions, or File Exchange. This centralized search makes that a one-stop task.
What is the default sort order?