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Congratulations, @Daniel Vieira for winning the Editor's Pick badge awarded for MATLAB Answers, in recognition of your awesome solution in Why are the results of forward and predict very different in deep learning?
Thank you for providing considered advice about reinforcement learning.
This is a new badge we just introduced to recognize awesome answers people contribute and yours was picked for discovering a creative way to solve the problem, and made the solution clear, and reproducible. Thank you so much for setting a high standard for MATLAB Answers and for your ongoing contribution to the community.
MATLAB Central Team
Congratulations, @Karim for winning the 1st ever Editor's Pick badge awarded for MATLAB Answers, in recoginition of your awesome solution in How to find X and Y coordinates of maximum gap between curves?
This is a new badge we just introduced to recognize awesome answers people contribute and yours was picked for discovering a creative way to solve the problem, and made the solution clear, and reproducible. Thank you so much for setting a high standard for MATLAB Answers and for your ongoing contribution to the community.
MATLAB Central Team
This topic is for features you would like to see for the MATLAB Answers facility itself, and also for bug reports about the MATLAB Answers facility.
This topic is the follow on to the earlier Wish-list for MATLAB Answer sections. That topic grew large enough to become unwieldy; and Mathworks has made enough changes to make a number of the past points no longer of relevance. There was also a more limited purpose <
I suggest one wish (or bug report) per answer, so that people can vote their wishes.