Calceph Ephemeris Calculations With INPOP and JPL files

Tests calceph package for accessing INPOP and JPL ephemeris files with MATLAB.
24 téléchargements
Mise à jour 29 juil. 2022

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The calceph package permits programatic use of INPOP and JPL ephemeris files. The package functions are accessed from MATLAB as MEX functions which must be compiled on your machine respecting its architecture. (See appendix for installation notes.) This script illustrates use of the package assembled on an APPLE laptop with Xcode c-compiler. The script examines an example binary file included with the calceph package, and also an INPOP ephemeris binary file and a JPL ephemeris binary file which the script downloads with MATLAB ftp.
This script might interest MATLAB users who wish to compare different emphemeris versions and sources for solar system major bodies.

Citation pour cette source

Duncan Carlsmith (2024). Calceph Ephemeris Calculations With INPOP and JPL files (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .

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