Function BSTRAP computes values of user-defined scalar-, vector- or matrix-valued statistics in the original sample, and in B bootstrap samples of size m <=n, where n is the number of rows in X. Addressing limitations of BOOTSTRP (Statistics Toolbox, v. 5-6), BSTRAP accepts 'fixed', i.e. non-resampled, matrix-valued input arguments, and allows both matrix- and structure-valued output - which can be summarized with function BSTATS, calculating average, sample variance and (2.5, 97.5) percentiles of a bootstrap distribution.
Citation pour cette source
Dimitri Shvorob (2025). Bootstrap a statistic (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .
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Windows macOS LinuxCatégories
- AI and Statistics > Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox > Probability Distributions > Resampling Techniques >
Inspiré par : Plot a univariate histogram
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