Live Script code, spelling, and grammar check with ChatGPT

Demonstrates use of ChatGPT to correct Live Script code, spelling, duplicates, grammar, and stylistic errors.
17 téléchargements
Mise à jour 13 mai 2024

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Demonstrates how to find and correct code, spelling, grammar, and stylistic errors in a Live Script with ChatGPT-4 interactively in two ways. The first requires only selecting all in the Live Script editor and pasting into a chat with a simple prompt. The result is a list of errors found and suggestions. Line numbers can be requested. ChatGPT can provide the corrected code in a text format which respects LaTeX and hyperlinks but will not reproduce additional Live Script features such as multilevel heading formats and interactive tools like sliders. The second uses the document xml file. ChatGPT will find the errors within the xml and can return corrected xml to copy paste into a corrected Live Script retaining all formatting and features.

Citation pour cette source

Duncan Carlsmith (2025). Live Script code, spelling, and grammar check with ChatGPT (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .

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