Real-Time Emotion Recognition from USB Camera with Deep CNNs
Citation pour cette source
Geunsik Lim (2025). Real-Time Emotion Recognition from USB Camera with Deep CNNs (, GitHub. Extrait(e) le .
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Version | Publié le | Notes de version | |
1.1.1 | Fixed incorrect statements of |
1.1.0 | Added picture additionally. |
1.0.9 | Added some pictures. |
1.0.8 | Updated documents for users. |
1.0.7 | Added picture in |
1.0.6 | Updated a manual for users. |
1.0.5 | Fixed typos. |
1.0.4 | fixed the project title. |
1.0.3 | Added a demo file (video) |
1.0.2 | Added additional documents |
1.0.1 | Updated for maintenance and readability. |
1.0.0 |