Pressure-volume isotherms for a Bragg-Williams lattice gas

Computes pressure-volume isotherms for a Bragg-Williams lattice gas
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Mise à jour 2 jan. 2008

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The program shows how to plot figure 14.4 page 248 presented in T. L. Hill, An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics, Dover, New York, 1986. The Bragg-Williams approximation gives pressure-volume isotherms similar to those obtained using the van der Waals equation and it predicts first-order phase transition. We use the symmetry condition to draw the horizontal stable equilibrium path. We can also use the thermodynamic equal-area theorem as shown at the end of the code.

A similar treatment using Mathematica
can be found at the following link:

Citation pour cette source

Housam Binous (2025). Pressure-volume isotherms for a Bragg-Williams lattice gas (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .

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added link to Wolfram Library Archive