A figure with sliders
FIGURESLIDER cretes by itself a new figure with horizontal and vertical sliders and returns its handle. Sliders are hidden if all objects are shown in the figure. When the figure gets smaller than the enclosed object set, sliders may be used to shift the figure view. Objects in normalized Units are not affected.
An additional Center button is available on the lower right side of the figure window.
FIGURESLIDER(H) adds sliders to an existing window.
FIGURESLIDER works the same as FIGURE. You may use GET(H) to obtain properties of the figure.
Example: figureslider('Name','Figure with sliders', 'ToolBar','figure')
Citation pour cette source
Emmanuel Farhi (2025). A figure with sliders (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22091-a-figure-with-sliders), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .
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Version | Publié le | Notes de version | |
---|---|---|---| | shorter code, file updated |
|| | Make sure sliders do not move when using them |
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