Note de l’éditeur : This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week Popular File 2010 2012 2013
This is a collection of GUIs meant to serve either to answer specific questions about writing GUIs or as a teaching tool to aid in learning how to write MATLAB GUIs without GUIDE. Many of these are inspired directly from the newsgroup.
The questions/files are written in approximate order of complexity, so intermediate users may want to skip the first several files.
The questions answered include:
1.How do I manipulate the strings in a uicontrol? GUI_1, 2, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 37
2.How do make a uicontrol invisible/visible? GUI_3, 35 (See also GUI_10 for images)
3.How do I make a multi-line edit box? GUI_4
4.How can I initialize an editbox so that the cursor is blinking at startup? GUI_4, 24, 37
5.How can I let the user of my GUI know his actions are futile (or producing no results)? GUI_5
6.How can I tell which uicontrol is selected e.g., radiobuttons? GUI_6, 8
7.How do I tell how many times a uicontrol has been activated? GUI_7, 19, 28, 32, 33
8.How do I tell which button in a buttongroup is selected? GUI_8
9.How do I let the user know a process is running in the background? GUI_9
10.How can I set an image visible/invisible? GUI_10
11.How can I use a GUI to exit a FOR loop? GUI_11
12.How can I control the mouse pointer with a GUI? GUI_12
13.How do I access the value (current position) of a slider? GUI_13, 16
14.How do I use different colored strings in a listbox? GUI_14
15.What is the difference between 'listboxtop' and 'value' in a listbox? GUI_14
16.How do I make text that can be copied but not changed? GUI_15
17.How can I allow the user of my GUI to set the range of a slider? GUI_16
18.How can I display a digital clock in my GUI? GUI_17
19.How can I use a timer in a GUI? GUI_17
20.How do I use the buttondownfcn on an axes object? GUI_18, 28
21.How do I make a callback talk to another callback? GUI_19
22.How can I get the string from a popup or listbox? GUI_14, 20, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33
23.How can I set the string in a popup or listbox? GUI_21, 22
24.How can I add to the string in a popup or listbox? GUI_22
25.How do I tell which figure/axes was current before my callback executed? GUI_23
26.How do I get data from another GUI? GUI_24
27.How do I make a GUI to open image files only? GUI_25
28.How can I make popup choices mutually exclusive? GUI_26
29.How can I show the current pointer location in axes coordinates? GUI_27
30.How can I use uicontextmenus? GUI_28, 33, 39
31.How do I make my GUI control an axes in another figure? GUI_29, 30
32.What are callback strings? GUI_30
33.How can I make it so that when one of the figures closes, they all close? GUI_24, 29, 30, 41
34.How do I make several uicontrols interact in a more complicated GUI? GUI_31, 32, 33, 41
35.How do I get data from a GUI to the base workspace? GUI_25, 32, 33, 36
36.How can I use a GUI to take a screenshot of my desktop? GUI_34
37.How do I make toggle buttons act like tabbed-panels? GUI_35
38.How do I make a custom dialog box which returns a string to the base workspace? GUI_36
39.How can I make a password editbox that has the ***** symbols? GUI_37
40.How can I use nested function as callbacks? GUI_11, 17, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41.
41.How can I use uiwait in a GUI? GUI_11, 34, 36, 37
42.How do I use JAVA in my GUI? GUI_38
43.How do I force the figure to maintain focus between uicontrol activations? GUI_38
44.How do I save an axes as an image? GUI_39
45.How can I make a simple drawing program? GUI_39
46.How can I set a button's background to match an image? GUI_40
47.How can I save the state of a system of GUIs to use later? GUI_41
I am open to hearing any suggestion as to other questions which could be covered in the collection. Such suggestions need not be basic. Please read the pdf file prior to use. Also the contents.m file contains brief descriptions of each GUI.
Please email me if an error is found, either in the documentation or coding. Thanks.
Citation pour cette source
Matt Fig (2025). 41 Complete GUI Examples (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .
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A inspiré : Moderns apps templates created in Matlab (App Designer), StackSlider, Virtual Painting, menuN - Improved menu figure for Matlab
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Version | Publié le | Notes de version | |
---|---|---|---| | 6 more examples added. Also an HTML version of contents is included. |
|| | Fixed typos and inconsistencies due to user feedback. |
|| | User suggestions and correction have been incorporated. |
|| | Added 3 GUIs, expanded suggested exercises. |
|| | Fixed typos, added a contents.m file. |
|| |