view3d Interactively rotate, zoom and pan the view of a 3-D plot
VIEW3D ROT turns on mouse-based 3-D rotation
VIEW3D ZOOM turns on mouse-based 3-D zoom and pan
VIEW3D OFF turns it off
VIEW3D(FIG,...) works on the figure FIG
Double click to restore the original view
- hit 'z' key over the figure to switch from ROT to ZOOM
- hit 'r' key over the figure to switch from ZOOM to ROT
in ROT mode:
- press and hold left mouse button to rotate about screen xy axis
- press and hold middle mouse button to rotate about screen z axis
in ZOOM mode:
- press and hold left mouse button to zoom in and out
- press and hold middle mouse button to move the plot
Inspired by rotate3d by The MathWorks, Inc.
Tested under MATLAB 5.2
Citation pour cette source
Torsten Vogel (2025). view3d.m (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .
Compatibilité avec les versions de MATLAB
Plateformes compatibles
Windows macOS LinuxCatégories
A inspiré : Microscopy Image Browser (MIB), Microscopy Image Browser 2 (MIB2), Orthogonalslicer, INTERACTIVEMOUSE, Figure control widget
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