
matlab blue-white-red colorbar, while zero always corresponds to white color. see also darkb2r
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Mise à jour 9 avr. 2015

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this matlab file is designed to draw anomaly figures, the color of the colorbar is from blue to white and then to red, corresponding to the anomaly values from negative to zero to positive, respectively.
The color white always correspondes to value zero.

You should input two values like caxis in matlab, that is the min and the max value of color values designed. e.g. colormap(b2r(-3,5))

The brightness of blue and red will change according to your setting, so that the brightness of the color corresponded to the color of his opposite number
e.g. colormap(b2r(-3,6)) is from light blue to deep red
e.g. colormap(b2r(-3,3)) is from deep blue to deep red
I'd advise you to use colorbar first to make sure the caxis' cmax and cmin
colormap(b2r(-6,8)), colorbar, title('b2r')

There is also a similar colorbar named darkb2r with colors much darker.

Citation pour cette source

cunjie zhang (2025). b2r(cmin_input,cmax_input) (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/36212-b2r-cmin_input-cmax_input), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .

Compatibilité avec les versions de MATLAB
Créé avec R2008b
Compatible avec toutes les versions
Plateformes compatibles
Windows macOS Linux

A inspiré : anomaly, Post-glacial rebound

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Version Publié le Notes de version

updated: Robert Beckman help to fix the bug when start point is zero, 2015-04-08.The bug exists when the absolute value of cmax and cmin is very near but not equal.

updated: Robert Beckman help to fix the bug when start point is zero, 2015-04-08. The bug exists when setted cmax and cmin is very near but not equal.