2D Autocorrelation function

Calculate the 2d Auto-correlation function of matrix based on Wiener-Khinchin theorem .
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Mise à jour 25 juil. 2012

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This function calculates the 2D auto correlation function of matrix ( gray scale image) using Wiener-Khinchin theorem and uses the four internal function ifft2,fftshift,fft2 & conj .

In the PDF file "2DAUTOCORRELATIONFUNCTION.pdf" the calculations are detailed using two examples,
1) "circuit.tif" image.
2) 2d zero mean Gaussian signal .
As in 1d, the 2d auto-correlation of the second example is symmetric and has Dirac impulse in the center.

Citation pour cette source

Youssef Khmou (2025). 2D Autocorrelation function (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/37624-2d-autocorrelation-function), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .

Compatibilité avec les versions de MATLAB
Créé avec R2007a
Compatible avec toutes les versions
Plateformes compatibles
Windows macOS Linux

A inspiré : BiofilmQ

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