
For vieiwing 3-D arrays
1K téléchargements
Mise à jour 2 nov. 2015

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This tool aids in displaying 3D data (such as individual frames in a movie or in hyperspectral imaging) by displaying 2D "slices" of the cube.
The button bar controls the current image to display as well as some basic display manipulations (colormap, scaling, etc).
User can also create additional plots of brightness through a GUI-selected pixel.
(This is not an officially sanctioned product of the US Air Force or the Air Force Institute of Technology).

Citation pour cette source

Michael Hawks (2024). cubeviewer (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Récupéré le .

Compatibilité avec les versions de MATLAB
Créé avec R2013a
Compatible avec toutes les versions
Plateformes compatibles
Windows macOS Linux

Inspiré par : parse_pv_pairs

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Version Publié le Notes de version

Bug Fixes (Thanks, Carl Witthoft)

- No longer requires Image Processing Toolbox to run (although some options are not supported without it)
- Fixed 'Play/Stop' button
- Accelerated code
- Bug fixes and cleanup
- Bug fix

- Added option to display log scale
- Fixed HELP documentation

Corrected the 'Products required' field