Train Cascade Object Detector

Example showing how to train a user-defined object detector.
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Mise à jour 2 déc. 2013

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This function (trainClassifierExample.m) is a tutorial/example on how to create a user-defined vision.CascadeObjectDetector detector. This function uses an attached webcam to take video of a user and builds a detector on their face. From this example hopefully it is clear how to generate detectors for any general object class. Faces are used in this example since the labeling can be done autonomously using a pre-trained face detector.

The function goes through the following steps:

1) Take video which includes object of interest (the user's face).
2) Label (manually or autonomously) positive objects from the video in (1).
3) Take video which does NOT include object of interest.
4) Train classifier using trainCascadeObjectDetector.
5) Test classifier on live video.

Note: to train new classifiers you will likely have to label the positive examples by hand. For manual labeling this function uses the Cascade Training GUI, which you can download at:

Please let me know if something is not clear or does not work. Cheers!

Citation pour cette source

Jeremy Wurbs (2025). Train Cascade Object Detector (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .

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