Tests input points for coplanarity in N-dimensional space; optionally returns the rank of the input matrix.
COPL = iscoplanar(V)
(V is an M X N matrix of of vectors).
COPL = iscoplanar(V, TOLERANCE)
...Optionally, provide a scalar value of
COPL = iscoplanar(X,Y,Z)
"Shortcut syntax" for testing coplanarity
in 3-space;
COPL = iscoplanar(X,Y,Z,TOLERANCE)
[COPL, RNK] = ...
Optionally, return the rank, RNK, of the
input matrix.
Citation pour cette source
Brett Shoelson (2025). iscoplanar.m (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .
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- Image Processing and Computer Vision > Image Processing Toolbox > Image Filtering and Enhancement > Morphological Operations >
A inspiré : geom3d
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Version | Publié le | Notes de version | |
---|---|---|---| | This is a complete (much-improved) rewrite of my previous |iscoplanar| function. This version considers the rank of the input matrix relative to the dimensionality of its space. |
|| | Fixes omission of absolute value in comparison with tolerance. Also, now uses determinants; new version is approximately 10x faster. |