Write structure array into Excel sheet

Version 1.0 (6,68 ko) par Wei-Rong Chen
Write a structure array into Excel sheet
486 téléchargements
Mise à jour 11 avr. 2015

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% usage: xlscell=WriteXlsFromStruct(DataStruct, outXlsName, sheet, ifOvewriteExist);
% This function writes a 1x1 structure array into Excel file.
% Each field in the input structure containes the data of a column in the output Excel sheet.
% See the sample 'xlsStruct.mat' for the format of the input structure array.
% The data struct conforms to the output struct generated by 'xls2struct.m'.
% 'ifOvewriteExist': Whether or not overwrite existing output Excel file.
% See also 'xls2struct.m'

Citation pour cette source

Wei-Rong Chen (2024). Write structure array into Excel sheet (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/50465-write-structure-array-into-excel-sheet), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Récupéré le .

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Windows macOS Linux
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