Version (3,19 ko) par
Rune W Berg
This function identifies and removes spikes fra a trace of and membrane potential recording.
This function replaces all the spikes in the input trace "trace1" in a window "prewin" before the spike and "postwin" after the action potential (pulse in a neuron recording), with the values right before and right after, connected by a straight line.
Citation pour cette source
Rune W Berg (2024). spike_remove (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/51049-spike_remove), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .
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- Sciences > Physics > Biological Physics >
- Sciences > Neuroscience > Cellular Neuroscience > Electrophysiology >
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Inspiré par : spike_times(trace,threshold1)
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