VLAD is a extension of Bag of Words.
This function computes VLAD descriptors by using information such as
visual words and image descriptors.
Visual Words has size of no_of_words x no_of_dimensions_of_descriptors
no_of_dimensions_of_descriptors depends on the descriptor you are using
for example for SIFT its 128 for SURF its 64.
imageDescriptors has size of no_of_descriptors_detected x no_of_dimensions_of_descriptors(same as above)
Citation pour cette source
Rushikesh Tade (2025). rushikesh988/vladmatlab (, GitHub. Extrait(e) le .
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- Image Processing and Computer Vision > Computer Vision Toolbox > Feature Detection and Extraction > Local Feature Extraction > SIFT - Scale Invariant Feature Transform >
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