Joint analysis of extracellular spike waveforms and neuronal network bursts
With this joint analysis bursts can be detected and burst information such as number of bursts, average burst duration and average number of spikes for the corresponding channels can be stored. For the joint analysis, each burst spike is associated with a spike type, and the spike type compositions of the bursts are assessed. The joint analysis requires a spike sorting tool which is not included here (in the original publication Wave_clus by Quiroga et al. (2004) was utilized).
For more information about the joint analysis:
The guidelines for analysis is included as a separate pdf file.
Use the citation below if you use the code in your works for joint analysis:
if you use the code in your works for burst detection or burst analysis:
Citation pour cette source
Kapucu (2025). Joint analysis of extracellular spike waveforms and neuronal network bursts (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .
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