
Computes the second-order finite difference approximation.
264 téléchargements
Mise à jour 30 déc. 2015

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% dx = diffCenter(x,dt)
% Computes the second-order finite difference approximation of x with
% respect to t. A one-sided second order difference is used at the end
% points, so size(dx) == size(x).
% x = [m, n] = matrix of function values over a uniform time grid n
% dt = sampling period of x (default = 1)
% d = dx/dt = first derivative of x wrt t
% This command is very similar to Matlab's gradient command. The
% difference between the two is how they handle the boundaries.
% DiffCenter (this function) uses a second-order finite difference,
% while gradient (by Matlab) uses a first-order finite difference.
% The functions are identical for interior points.
% See also: cumInt, diff, gradient

Citation pour cette source

Matthew Kelly (2025). diffCenter (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/54459-diffcenter), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .

Compatibilité avec les versions de MATLAB
Créé avec R2012a
Compatible avec toutes les versions
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Windows macOS Linux
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A inspiré : diffCenterVar

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Version Publié le Notes de version

BUG FIX: The one-sided difference coefficients were off by a factor of two! They are now correct.

Added a reference to the Matlab command gradient, which is very similar to diffCenter.

still trying to make image fit in window properly

Fixed photo. Again.

Re-sized image so it isn't cropped poorly by file exchange.

Added photo.

added more tags