
Utilities for analyzing time series simulation output
330 téléchargements
Mise à jour 27 août 2019

SimOutUtils is a suite of MATLAB/Octave functions for studying and analyzing time series-like output from stochastic simulation models. More specifically, SimOutUtils allows modelers to study and visualize simulation output dynamics, perform distributional analysis of output statistical summaries, as well as compare these summaries in order to assert the statistical equivalence of two or more model implementations. Additionally, the provided functions are able to produce publication quality figures and tables showcasing results from the specified simulation output studies.


Fachada N, Lopes VV, Martins RC, Rosa AC. (2016) SimOutUtils - Utilities for analyzing simulation output. Journal of Open Research Software 4(1):e38.

Citation pour cette source

Fachada N, Lopes VV, Martins RC, Rosa AC. (2016) SimOutUtils - Utilities for analyzing simulation output. Journal of Open Research Software 4(1):e38.

Compatibilité avec les versions de MATLAB
Créé avec R2013a
Compatible avec toutes les versions
Plateformes compatibles
Windows macOS Linux
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