rand_unique_pairs(N​, pair_num, ordered, self_pair)

Version (1,64 ko) par Yifan Gu
This function randomly generates unique integer number pairs, either ordered or unordered.
48 téléchargements
Mise à jour 13 mars 2017

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This function could be handy for sampling pair-wise correlation from a large number of variables.
Input arguments:
N: defines the range of the numbers (from 1 to N)
pair_num: the number of pairs
ordered: 1 for ordered pairs and 0 for unordered. The default is 0.
self_pair: 1 for allowing self-pair (e.g, 3-3 is a self-pair). The default is 0.

Output argument:
pairs: a 2-by-pair_num matrix with each row containing a unique pair

Citation pour cette source

Yifan Gu (2024). rand_unique_pairs(N, pair_num, ordered, self_pair) (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/61456-rand_unique_pairs-n-pair_num-ordered-self_pair), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Récupéré le .

Compatibilité avec les versions de MATLAB
Créé avec R2006a
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Windows macOS Linux

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