
Version 2.0.5 (34,8 ko) par Stephen23
Word hyphenation using Franklin Mark Liang's algorithm (aka Knuth-Liang algorithm). Used in TeX and LaTeX
77 téléchargements
Mise à jour 13 jan. 2024
Word hyphenation using Franklin Mark Liang's algorithm (aka Knuth-Liang algorithm). As used by Knuth in TeX and LaTeX, and ported to many other languages. HYPHENATE takes the word, and returns the parts that can be separated by hyphens.
>> hyphenate("hyphenation")
ans =
"hy" "phen" "a" "tion"
>> hyphenate('supercalifragilisticexpialidocious')
ans =
'su' 'per' 'cal' 'ifrag' 'ilis' 'tic' 'ex' 'pi' 'ali' 'do' 'cious'
>> hyphenate('project')
ans =
I just ported this algorithm to MATLAB, but am not responsible for it deciding where it splits words.
Note that the Liang algorithm does not provide all possible hyphenation points for all words. The algorithm provides most correct hyphenation points without providing any incorrect ones, i.e. HYPHENATE returns a subset of the correct hyphenation points.

Citation pour cette source

Stephen23 (2025). Hyphenate (https://github.com/DrosteEffect/Hyphenate/releases/tag/v2.0.5), GitHub. Extrait(e) le .

Compatibilité avec les versions de MATLAB
Créé avec R2010b
Compatible avec toutes les versions
Plateformes compatibles
Windows macOS Linux
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See release notes for this release on GitHub: https://github.com/DrosteEffect/Hyphenate/releases/tag/v2.0.5

See release notes for this release on GitHub: https://github.com/DrosteEffect/Hyphenate/releases/tag/v2.0.4


See release notes for this release on GitHub: https://github.com/DrosteEffect/Hyphenate/releases/tag/v2.0.3


See release notes for this release on GitHub: https://github.com/DrosteEffect/Hyphenate/releases/tag/v2.0.2


* Now accepts the word as a scalar string (and returns a string array).
* Add error IDs.


* Add Barbara Beeton's exceptions.

* Fixed tags

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