Torus homeomorphic surface quasi isotropic sampling
Citation pour cette source
Nicolas Douillet (2025). Torus homeomorphic surface quasi isotropic sampling (, GitHub. Extrait(e) le .
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Version | Publié le | Notes de version | |
2.7 | See release notes for this release on GitHub: |
2.6 | See release notes for this release on GitHub: |
2.5 | New cover img test |
2.4 | Improved description, help, doc, cover img. |
2.3 | + set back new cover img |
2.2 | Improved input parsing, help, doc, + see also links, typo, examples sampling values, description |
2.1 | +doc |
|| | - Added triplet list of the triangulation indices as an output for mesh generation (relevant for non random sampling only)
|| | - Syntax simplification
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