Numerical implementation of the uniform shear model
Numerical implementation of the uniform-shear model
Matlab implementation of the uniform shear model by Mann (1994)
The computation of the one-point spectra, co-spectra and coherence of turbulent wind is conducted using the uniform-shear model from Mann (1994) [1]. The goal is to describe the spatial structure of stationary homogeneous turbulence under a neutral atmospheric stratification using only 3 adjustable parameters.
The present submission contains:
- The function MannTurb.m that computes the sheared spectral tensor
- The function MannCoherence that computes the wind co-coherence
- A LiveScript for the example file
- A data file GreatBeltSpectra.mat that contains the wind spectra from the Great belt bridge experiment for comparison with the computed spectra.
Any question, comment or suggestion is warmly welcomed.
[1] Mann, J. (1994). The spatial structure of neutral atmospheric surface-layer turbulence. Journal of fluid mechanics, 273, 141-168.
Citation pour cette source
E. Cheynet (2025). Numerical implementation of the uniform shear model (, GitHub. Extrait(e) le .
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- Sciences > Geoscience > Geology >
A inspiré : Fitting the Uniform Shear Model to real data
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Version | Publié le | Notes de version | |
1.7 | See release notes for this release on GitHub: |
1.6 | reloaded repository |
1.5.1 | Description |
1.5 | Added Github repository |
1.4 | The hypergeometric function is now calculated more accurately |
1.3 | Added the quad coherence term in the function MannCoherence |
1.2 | Added the project website |
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