kview - Interface for signal/data easy visualization and processing
KView is a GUI to help signals/data management and processing.
Find more information at: https://github.com/micoro/kview
To open the kview GUI simply use the command: kview.
There is a documentation (in development), to access it: on the GUI click info->Documentation.
* Easily plot with a simple click (with labels automatically genereted)
* Signals organized in a three level hierarchy so that they can be divided into meaningful groups
* The unit a signal is expressed in can be changed with a simple click (uses Unit Conversion Toolbox)
* Provide basic funtions for import data from file or from workspace
* It is possible to create maps to rearganize data during the import process (change names, units, apply gains...)
* It is possible to create custom functions to import data into the GUI
* The kview import and export functions (plus few others) can be issued from the command line
* Buttons can be created on the GUI to call any function: your most used functions will be easy to reach (just one click)
* Really so much more...
RIGHT-CLICK: try right clicking on some of the elements of the interface (buttons, listboxes...) and you will get a menu with more functionalities: select the X axis signal for plotting, change unit, send data to workspace and more.
SHORTCUTS: you can use the standard shortcut keys to copy (CTRL+C), paste (CTRL+V) and delete (DEL/CANC) elements in the listboxes.
GUI LAYOUT TOOLBOX: this toolbox needs the GUI Layout Toolbox. You can find it here: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/47982-gui-layout-toolbox
Citation pour cette source
Michele Oro Nobili (2024). kview - Interface for signal/data easy visualization and processing (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/67508-kview-interface-for-signal-data-easy-visualization-and-processing), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Récupéré le .
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- MATLAB > App Building >
Inspiré par : findjobj - find java handles of Matlab graphic objects, clickableLegend - Interactive highlighting of data in figures, Units Conversion Toolbox, GUI Layout Toolbox
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Version | Publié le | Notes de version | |
2018.05.26.1 | Description Changed Title.