Historical Volatility

A framework for historical volatility estimation and analysis.
237 téléchargements
Mise à jour 14 juin 2020

Historical Volatility

This script calculates and analyses the following historical volatility estimators:

  • the traditional Close-to-Close estimator (and a variant of it that uses demeaned returns);
  • the Parkinson estimator (1980);
  • the Garman-Klass estimator (1980) and a variant proposed by Yang & Zhang (2000);
  • the Rogers-Satchell estimator (1991);
  • the Hodges-Tompkins estimator (2002);
  • the Yang-Zhang estimator (2000);
  • the Meilijson estimator (2009).


The minimum Matlab version required is R2014a. In addition, the following products and toolboxes must be installed in order to properly execute the script:

  • Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
  • System Identification Toolbox


  1. Edit the run.m script following your needs.
  2. Execute the run.m script.


Datasets can be fetched from Yahoo! Finance using the function fetch_data, or parsed from Excel sheets using the function parse_dataset. The example script provides a good overview of both approaches.

Every dataset passed as input argument to analyze_volatility, compare_estimators and estimate_volatility functions must be structured as a table of historical time series having the following columns:

  • Date (numeric observation dates)
  • Open (opening prices)
  • High (highest prices)
  • Low (lowest prices)
  • Close (closing prices)
  • Return (log returns)


Volatility Cones

Estimators Comparison

Estimators Correlation

Citation pour cette source

Tommaso Belluzzo (2025). Historical Volatility (https://github.com/TommasoBelluzzo/HistoricalVolatility/releases/tag/v1.5.0), GitHub. Extrait(e) le .

Compatibilité avec les versions de MATLAB
Créé avec R2014b
Compatible avec les versions R2014b à R2022b
Plateformes compatibles
Windows macOS Linux

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See release notes for this release on GitHub: https://github.com/TommasoBelluzzo/HistoricalVolatility/releases/tag/v1.5.0


See release notes for this release on GitHub: https://github.com/TommasoBelluzzo/HistoricalVolatility/releases/tag/v1.4.0

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