Software-Defined Radio for Engineers

Labs, MATLAB code, lecture materials, and free textbook for teaching and learning software defined radio with MATLAB.
684 téléchargements
Mise à jour 20 sept. 2021

This material is related to the textbook "Software-Defined Radio for Engineers", which focuses on teaching practical communications theory with MATLAB and the Active Learning Module PlutoSDR from Analog Devices Inc. Included in this download are the labs associated with the textbook and accompanying MATLAB code.

The textbook is available for purchase on Amazon or a PDF copy can be downloaded from here: . Additional material is available here:
- MATLAB code:
- Lab guides:
- Lecture material:

Citation pour cette source

Analog Devices, Inc. Systems Development Group (2024). Software-Defined Radio for Engineers (, GitHub. Extrait(e) le .

Compatibilité avec les versions de MATLAB
Créé avec R2017b
Compatible avec les versions R2017b et ultérieures
Plateformes compatibles
Windows macOS Linux

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