2 D Heat Conduction Equation with Constant Heat Generation
The given problem of Steady State Heat Conduction with constant heat generation in a 2D square plate with convective boundary condition solved using Control Volume Method, using GUI.
This is a web app with following required inputs:
1. Length of Plate
2. Thermal Conductivity, ‘k’
3. Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient, ‘h’
4. Source Strength, i.e., Heat Generation per unit Volume, ‘s v ̇ ’
5. Number of Computation Cells per dimension
6. Temperature of Surrounding Fluid, ‘T ∞ ’
Citation pour cette source
Aviral Sharma (2025). 2 D Heat Conduction Equation with Constant Heat Generation (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/77443-2-d-heat-conduction-equation-with-constant-heat-generation), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Extrait(e) le .
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