
Sujit Muduli


Actif depuis 2017

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  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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How to type a spacing in Matlab latex
Hi Sijie, You may try putting the formula only in between the |$| symbols. You may put the texts outside of the $ .. $. However...

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Accelerating access of struct members
Hi Torsten, Profiling might not give you the exact result but you may use |tic-toc| to measure the exact time taken. Please n...

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Combine each row of matrix into a single vector within a cell array
Hello Tillmann, I didn't find any such operation to fill the cell array in one shot without a for loop. I also don't know you...

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Removing textflags in xml2struct?
Hi Jin, I didn't get a chance to go into the detailed implementation of this function, but yeah it should be possible to get ...

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Hi Federica, I would suggest using map container(containers.Map class) instead of using a cell array here. Create a map data ...

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Matlab shortcut won't open
Hi Canaan, I don't know if you are still facing the issue, but you can go to the installation directory location C:\Program F...

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How to access a table inside a table on Excel ?
Hi Antoine, There are few other functions you may use to get the table data from the spreadsheet such as |readtable|, this will...

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how to find z=f(x,y)?
Hi Suji, You may take the help of curve fitting approach to determine |z = f(x,y)|. This will give you an approximation of th...

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How to plot functions within a range?
Hi Jose, It is clear from the error that there are mismatches in the size of the arguments that you have provided to |plot| f...

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Is there a clever way to isolate Simulink Parameter callback workspace?
Hi Jason, You may want to use Model Workspace or a Data dictionary if you don't want to pollute your base workspace. However, t...

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How can i insert time varying parameters in simulink block?
Hi Davide, For this use case, I would suggest creating a variable of type |Simulink.Parameter| in the base workspace. x...

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Drag a point on a curve
Hi David, You may find the link below relevant to what you are asking for, please have a look at it. <https://in.mathworks.c...

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the loop for comparing two excels row by row
Hi Tian, As I understand from your questions you just want to iterate over the rows for two excel files and make the comparis...

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Does the Simulinks Requirements interface have an integration with Jama?
Hi Kai, As of now, Simulink Requirements doesn't have an interface for Jama Requirements Management software. Below is a link...

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MATLAB getting confused over backward slashes and forward slashes when using CD
Hi Joe, Please try changing the path from the command line and see if that is working. cd '/Users/myname/toolbox\folder\...

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Adjacency matrix Simulink model
Hi Etienne, It is possible to build an adjacency matrix of a Simulink model. But there are few things you need to take care o...

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How to access variable values at certain times in simulink
Hi Nahn, Could you please let me know about the format how simout block is storing the data? Are you storing it differently f...

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Undo possible for programmatically changed simulink model?
Hi Raphael, There is no API call available to do the UNDO operation. But you may implement your custom UNDO function by ...

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How do I plot multiple individual y-values on a single x-value?
Hi Dominika, As of now, MATLAB plotting functions do not support. However, for your particular use case, you may try using 's...

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How to convert a MATLAB GUI file to be used on a touchscreen controlled by an Arduino in C code?
Hi Bryce, You may find the following link useful for your query, <

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