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crossFilt causing Matlab audio plugin pops
Hi Peter, the main problem here is that you are recreating the corssover filter for every incoming frame of audio. Instead, you...

3 jours il y a | 0

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higher order intermodulation distortion
There are multiple features that are relvant to this: spectrum analyzer supports intermodulation distortion measurements There...

5 mois il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
How can I create a multi-channel audio plugin in Matlab?
Hi Hasan, The audio plugin interface allows you to specify the desired numbers of input and output channels. I beleive the defa...

6 mois il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
VST audio plugin and .txt output file
It is not clear from the question if you want this writing capability to be part of the plugin, or if it is something you want t...

7 mois il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
dsp.AllpassFilter coefficient translation
Relevant methods of dsp.allpassFilter include: freqz: Frequency response of discrete-time filter System object coeffs: Returns...

7 mois il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
How can I add a low pass filter after each delay line in my multi channel feedback delay network
Hi Muhsin, In general, in order to perform filtering and listen to the output inside your for loop, you use filter System objec...

7 mois il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
How to store a matrix of impulse responses in a plugin? (re: Failed to compute constant value for nontunable property)
Hi Nathan, The main issue was that the code is using different filters and numerator sizes based on getSampleRate. One of the f...

7 mois il y a | 1

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Réponse apportée
How do I convert a multichannel .mat to .wav
First reshape brir to a 2-D array: brir = reshape(brir,size(brir,1),[]); audiowrite('/MATLAB Drive/angle_0.wav', brir, Fs, '...

7 mois il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
How to calculate the sound pressure (Pa) of an audio signal ?
Here are relevant functions available with Audio Toolbox that are related to measuring loudness of an audio signal: calibrateMi...

8 mois il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Inefficient Use of Bandpass IIR Filter Object (DSP System Toolbox)
Hi Anthony, It is expected that filtering your input sample-by-sample will be significantly slower than filtering the entire fr...

8 mois il y a | 1

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Réponse apportée
Error in a testbench generated file using validateAudioPlugin
Hi Dario, Thanks for the reproduction steps. This helps. The problem is in the method updateFilters. The method recreates the ...

8 mois il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
How to add a plot to the UI of an audio plugin
Hi Dario, There is no existing support to embed custom pots into the UI of a plugin. However, there is some functionality that ...

11 mois il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
Error with validateAudioPlugin : "Size mismatch (size [1 x 13] ~= size [1 x 28])"
I have seen such errors when a variable-size string is involved. I am attaching a modified version where I use enums instead o...

11 mois il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
Is it possible to send MIDI from Matlab to a DAW?
You can work with MIDI using functions in Audio Toolbox. Here is the relevant documentation:

11 mois il y a | 0

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How to get the coefficient of the 'crossoverFilter' system object?

environ un an il y a | 1

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Réponse apportée
Audio VST Plugin UI Control Updates
Hi David, This is indeed a limitation of authoring audio plugins in MATLAB: A parameter's value may not be modified by setting ...

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Réponse apportée
VST creation: Index in position 1 is invalid
I assume you get an error when you attempt to generate an audio plugin. I can reproduce your error if I validate the audio plu...

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Réponse apportée
speech2text for Italian language
Hi Ricardo, The wav2vec model in speech2text only works for English. You will have to use one of the Cloud models (Google API...

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Réponse apportée
Blind source separation databa
The End-to-End Deep Speech Separation example creates such a dataset from the LibriSpeech dataset.

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Réponse apportée
How can I implement a stable Shelving filter for short pulses?
Hi Hasan, Since you are trying to modify a short impulse response, you might want to apply the transformation in the frequency ...

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Réponse apportée
ValidateAudioPlugin Error "Input series must be a numeric vector" in plugin
Hi Pedro, This error is thrown from the first line of your process method. To reproduce: v = myVocoder process(plugin,randn(2...

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Réponse apportée
Is it posible to set 2 inputs in audio plugin?
Hi David, It is possible to design plugins with more than one input. Here is a simple example: classdef myPlugin < audioPlugin...

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Réponse apportée
Text to speech Matlab Linux
Hi christopher, You can use the text2speech function (Audio Toolbox). You will need an internet connection, and an active s...

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Réponse apportée
Running code on Raspberry Pi Zero 2W
Hi Dharmesh, Refer to the Raspberry Pi Support from MATLAB Coder. There is a video and code on that page about Prototyping Audi...

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Réponse apportée
getting error while generating a audioPlugin
Hi Fransi, Can you try generating the plugin into a path that does not contain any spaces in its name?

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Réponse apportée
Graphic Audio Equalizer Example
You might find this page helpful. Graphic Equalization

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Réponse apportée
Storing 200GB audio spectrograms in a tall table, is this possible?
Hi David, Please find below a possible solution that uses Audio Toolbox functionality. It uses a sample dataset as an example. ...

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Réponse apportée
How to use trainNetwork with transform datastore with multiple outputs?
Hi Noam, Check out this example: Transfer Learning with Pretrained Audio Networks in Deep Network Designer The example uses...

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Réponse apportée
Split the channels using 'From Multimedia File'
Hi Hamda, The scope has an 'Input processing' parameter. You probably have it set as: Elements as channels (sample based) - ...

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Running generated C-code returns error "Could not open library: libmwhostlibaudio.dylib"
Hi Jio, The audio device blocks have a dependency on a dll that ships with MATLAB. If you want to execute your generated code, ...

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