
Yue Shang


Last seen: plus de 3 ans il y a Actif depuis 2013

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Professional Interests: Signal Processing, Communications


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  • Revival Level 1
  • Knowledgeable Level 1
  • First Answer

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How can I simulate OFDM with Rayleigh fading by using Communications System Toolbox?
Some thoughts on the solution using comm.RayleighChannel The frequency-flat fading channel just applies a gain to each sample t...

plus de 3 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Ray-tracing to Visualize in 3-D map.
The Method property for the ray tracing propagation model is only available in R2021a.

presque 4 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Ray Tracing with raytrace(): define a reception local area instead of a single point
Hi Laurent, First, creating a finer mesh for the cylinder may help. For example, you will find one ray in the failing case if y...

presque 4 ans il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
How can I make the function STEP, which I am using with comm.LTEMIMOChannel to also decimate efficiently its output
You cannot modify the step method of comm.LTEMIMOChannel. But you can do what you need by creating a very simple System object t...

environ 11 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
comm.MIMOChannel Filter delay calculation
The comm.MIMOChannel and mimochan use the same algorithm to model the channel and can produce the same numeric result. So, they ...

plus de 11 ans il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
How does MATLAB structure the path gain matrix that the step function outputs for the LTEMIMO object?
You have the Y = HX format only when the channel is static and has one discrete path. Here is an example: >> hChan = comm.MI...

plus de 11 ans il y a | 0