
Ashish Azad

Last seen: presque 4 ans il y a Actif depuis 2020

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  • Revival Level 2
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Displaying output in app
Just select the edit field box. On right side you will see Interactivity. There is an editable option, just uncheck it. I hop...

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plot a surface with different colors on the two sides
Plot them one by one with different colour using "hold on" Read Documenation of "hold on" for further assist

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Changing elements of vector with matrix
The syntax you are using is very ambiguous and will never work Try for i=1:length(b) a(b(i,1):b(i,2))=1; end Let me kno...

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Réponse apportée
plotting graph through while loop
Store the five values in vector, a vector containing values of n_device and a vector containing values of probability to the cor...

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Réponse apportée
Simulink - Mask Editor - get_param
The path you are using in string should be in string format: e.g: get_param("KontactSimulation/Kontact/test")

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Réponse apportée
Saving error- AppDesigner
Input must be in single quotes for character vector: 'input' and for string it input must be in double quotes: "input" e.g: ap...

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Réponse apportée
Need help on returning user defined function to app designer.
Just add a button for conversion and a text area(Edit Field) to display converted unit, Now in the callback function of button,...

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Réponse apportée
App Designer Radio Button
Hi Jonathan, A simple solution to this problem is to select the Linear button in the startup function If you are not able to f...

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Shuffling elements of an array!!
Hi Abhishek, This question is answered earlier too, meanwhile I will provide with the answer too, try to use: lottery(randper...

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Réponse apportée
For and while loops
function F = getFacWhile(n) F=1; while n>1 F=F*n; n=n-1; end end function F = getFacWhile(n) ...

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Réponse apportée
How to insert a picture in a subsystem mask?
If it is not working there is workaround for this 1)Inside your subsystem file go to edit system mask 2)Go to the "Icon & Por...

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Réponse apportée
I am not able to use set_param to change type_options for system mask parameter
Using set_param we can only change the value of a parameter. In this instance you should use parameter object and dot operator ...

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