
Mahaveer Singh

Last seen: plus de 3 ans il y a Actif depuis 2021

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I want to create a matlab program to perform this operation and show the result in each operation in table
S=0; x(1)=0; % initial value of x. for i=2:1:200 for k=1:1:i-1 S(k)=x(i-k).*f(k); end x(i)=sum(S); end sumation=x

plus de 3 ans il y a | 1

Réponse apportée
what is the error with my code
% give the initial value of sum. % like sum=0 (initial vlue of sum) N = 4; x = [ 3 4 5 6 ]; sum=0; for k = 0 : N-1 ...

plus de 3 ans il y a | 0


During Self-Paced Courses no training task provided in task window.
During Self-Paced Course of Simulink Onramp, I have faced a issue that in the assessment window there is no task provided. I hav...

plus de 3 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 1



Réponse apportée
help me --> Taylor series cos(x)
% n is required length of series.Give initial value of n as your imagination to speed up of %calculation. function y = mycos(x,...

plus de 3 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
How to create a Matrix
A=[22:-1:11]; M= reshape(A,4,3)

plus de 3 ans il y a | 1

Réponse apportée
How can I determine the angle between two vectors in MATLAB?
function angle_in_degrees = vector2angle(u,v) a= sqrt(u(1)^2+u(2)^2+u(3)^2); b=sqrt(v(1)^2+v(2)^2+v(3)^2); c=0; for ...

plus de 3 ans il y a | 0