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Bug when using data cursor with subplots having (some) equal X and Y values
Im using R2014b. When i have a figure with multiple subplots and I use the data cursor I get the following bug: If I click on a ...
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réponsesPlots for second order control system in the same graph
Two things are wrong. One is the parenthesis before .x which should be on the end. The second is the acos(x) which should be aco...
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How can i write a program; to find ultimate frequency of the transfer function
I guess you want the crossover frequency: [Gm,Pm,Wgm,Wpm] = margin(sys) Wgm is the crossover frequency in rad/s. sys is...
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How to insert Matrix?!
Yes you can do that, why don't you just do test it? You can add \n to put the input on a new line. L=input('Please insert m...
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How to change a parameter during a plot?
x = 0:0.01:2; M = 1; R = 2; LR = 0.25; RL = (0.5 / LR) * R; RR = (0.5 / (1 - LR)) * R; xL = x(x<M); x...
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How to solve a sparse matrix efficiently?
Did you try defining A and b as sparse? So: A=sparse(A); b=sparse(b); x=A\b;
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Logical Indexing problem with vector lengths
P(M>grid(P)) = P+1; should be P(M>grid(P)) = P(M>grid(P))+1; At least I guess that's what you want to do.
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How can I generate a noise with a required sensitivily power ? i.e. -174 dBm
See or
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How can I append multiple elements to the end of a vector?
B=[A(A<6), A(A>=6)] or ind=(A>=6); B=[A(~ind), A(ind)] or if you want to keep the original elements of A and ju...
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Problem Integrating sin(2*x)
The integral is: sin(x)^2 + C but Matlab just doesn't show the constant. How do you get the -1/2? Because if you different...
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transfer function of sqrt of s
This is not possible since it's an invalid transfer function. You should be able to write the tf in terms of s^3, s^2, s etc, wh...
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plot multiple points in multiple colors
col=1:numel(peaks); scatter(freq_s(locs),peaks,[],col) You can specify the size of the circles where [] is. Im not s...
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How do I add initial conditions in dsolve while solving a system of ODEs in matrix form?
S = dsolve(diff(Y) == A*Y + B, Y(0)==[0;0]); see: doc dsolve
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How to introduce a random variable in ode45?
Add rng('shuffle') before calling normrnd.
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Using a vector of indices to add values to a matrix
xs = N(:,1); ys = N(:,2); val = N(:,3); siz = size(P); ind = sub2ind(siz,ys,xs); P(ind) = P(ind)+val.';
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Solving a quartic with matlab
Matlab will solve up to a 3rd order polynomial by default. To get an explicit result you have to specify a max degree, in your c...
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Subtracting two matrices yields a scalar in MATLAB
Are you trying to only substract some of the elements? Else you can simply do: A-B. Also i guess you mean the result is a vecto...
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Please help me find 6 unknown parameter from engineering mechanic
sol=solve(-T1*cos(alfa)+T2*cos(beta)==0, -50+T1*sin(alfa)+T2*sin(beta) ==0,- T2*cos(beta)+T3*cos(gramma) ==0,-100+T2*sin(beta)...
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Not enough input arguments when trying to plot function.
ezplot is for expressions with a symbolic variable. You have a function file with a function in it which returns a value for eve...
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"Not Enough Arguments" Error in ode23 - code is perfect as far as I know...
Put this in an m-file: function kinetics=examquestion1(t,Y) kinetics=zeros(3,1); kinetics(1)=-Y(1)*Y(2)+0.1*Y...
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I continue to receive an error message when I try to use fsolve. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? (I'm using MATLAB R2012a)
change all x(1), y(1) etc to x1,y1 etc. Also put: x1 = 15600; y1 = 7540; z1 = 20140; x2 = 18760; y2 = 2750; z2 = 186...
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How Can I create a time varying equation in Simulink?
Use a clock block for t. The other operations can be done with add, product, gain and math function block for exp.
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Problem with fill and latex interpreter?
I suggest using this excellent tool for exporting figures:
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Clear a persistent variable in a MATLAB Fcn block as serial object
clear fcn
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How can I color the area inside the outers points?
x=rand(5,1); y=rand(5,1); center_x=mean(x); center_y=mean(y); [th,rho] = cart2pol(x-center_x,y-center_y); ...
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How extract value form an array?
matrix(ind) Since ind contains two indices in this case, you can do: matrix(ind(1)) to find the value corresponding...
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Gauss Seidel method in matlab to find the roots
First of all 0,01 should be 0.01. Secondly, i=1; should be outside the while loop, else the value of i is reset every loop. I al...
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Help with 'find' function
[val,ind]=min(abs(X-A)) Where val is the distance and ind the index .
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lsline shifts the yaxis upwards
add: axis([-3 6 -3 6],'square') after your plot command.
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Solve 2nd order ODE with discrete time terms
Assuming some values for the constants, t1 is your t = DATA(:,1) and e1 is your e = DATA(:,2): function dx = myFUN(t,x) ...
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