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Box plot labels not working for hold on
Tab = readtable("Validation.txt"); TABLE=table2array(Tab); Data=TABLE(:,:); X1= [1 2 3]; X2=[4 5 6]; X3=[7 8 9]; hold ...
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How to extract data from MATLAB code?
%if true A = rand(389,40) iwant = A(105:381,:)
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Fourier series sawtooth wave
T=input('what is the period'); p=input('how many coefficients'); t=linspace(0,3*T,100); N=10; bp=sin(90)/90 - cos(0); ap...
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How to correctly use MONTHS function?
Type which months at the command window If you see more than two functions with filenames months then it may be due to cust...
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How to plot months on x-axis with different length of values on y-axis?
%if true M = {'January' 'February' 'March' 'April' 'May' 'June' 'July' 'August' 'September' 'October' 'November' 'Decembe...
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average over a certain range of index ?
clear clc A = [1 7 12 20 23 31]; B = [6 11 19 22 30 35]; C = rand(1,35) for i = 1:numel(A) kk(i) = mean(C(A(i):B(i)));...
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Negative range in range-doppler plot for FMCW radar
%if true [X Y] = meshgrid(-10:10,0:30) Use the range in _meshgrid_ while generating contour plot like above. Changing axis...
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Plotting in Matlab appdesigner
%if true function GenerateButtonPushed(app,eventData) It's eventdata instead of event
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Trying to take mean of group of values and exclude one value, receiving error: Index exceeds the number of array elements (0)
%if true q01=xlsread('Lab2Data.xlsx', 'B6:B41'); Can you Check if the Lab2Data.xlsx has any empty cells between B6:B41?...
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Global legend for all subplots in a figure placed ON the figure (not outside the figure)?
figure ax1 = subplot(2,1,1); ...% your code .... xlabel('Time [min]','Interpreter','latex') ylabel('Surface temperature [...
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Fitting data into a required function
%if true m = 2 n = 1.5 Y = m*x.^n; k = polyval(x,Y) First use _polyval_ for the equation and then apply pol...
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how to make both graphs x and y axis identical?
subplot(211) t = linspace(0,3,1200) stem(1:100:1200,3*cos(t(1:100:1200))) xlim([1 1200]) xticks([0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200...
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Storing the value of an Array from a For loop with an If statement
tss(i)=t; %records time enter steady state. Use the index to record the time entered
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Unable to store matrix array in for loop
t = linspace(10^-4,10^12,17) for i = 1:17 m{i} = inv((At * Cd * A) + (t(i) * Ht * H)) * At * Cd * do ; % use cell array ...
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dsolve code is not running
M2 M3 a1 k K L A Rd Br Pr Nb Nt G Le H Assign values for above variables instead of symbolic variables, As you are using on...
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plot zero input response
%if true syms y n=0:99; a_1=3; a_2=4; x=(-1/5*y+4/5*y)*(-1).^n+(16/5*y+16/5*y)*(4).^n; fplot(x,[-2,-1]) Use fplot...
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| A accepté
Index Exceeds Matrix Dimensions error in For Loop
%if true L = 10; F1 = zeros(1,L) F2 = zeros(1,L) F3 = zeros(1,L) T1(1)=200; T2 = zeros(1,L); T3 = zeros(1,L); T3(3)=40...
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plotting line parallel to the x-axis instead of the y-axis
%if plot([wl-0.01,0],intt,'b',wl,intt,'b',[wl+0.01,0],intt,'b') Use [] for adding elements and _int_ is standard function...
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If statement in for loop does not work
%if true x = 0.5; for i=1:6 x = (x)+0.1 if strcmp(num2str(x),'1') disp('yes') end end Try the above
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How to use eval() command to save the workspace variables in different working directory?
%% pwds - different working directory - D:\matlabfiles\ACTIVITY\Itr 3\Script eval(['save(fullfile(' pwds 'Batch_' num2str(i) '_...
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Why is the following numerical integration not working?
TMD = integral2(area,0,2,0,2*pi); Alternate way
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A résolu
Given a circular pizza with radius _z_ and thickness _a_, return the pizza's volume. [ _z_ is first input argument.] Non-scor...
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Stress-strain graph
To delete 1st column AluminumW(1:75,1) = []; % to delete 1st column
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How to convert a matrix into a vector that has each row as an array?
C = {{[a b c d]} {[ e f g h]} {[ i j k l]}}
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Slope equation for plot of best fit line
Use the function diff and see if the difference values are constants or varying https://in.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/diff....
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