
Duong Nguyen

Last seen: 9 mois il y a Actif depuis 2022

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Write a recursive function called fibor
Hello, I got a question as a below figure My approach is as the following code: function output = fibor(n) a = 0; b = 1; o...

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write a function called saddle in the input matrix M , the function should return with exactly two column vector and each row of output vector represent dimensions of saddle point in the input matrix M
Hi, I got my answer for this question as shown below. I am wondering that if there is any test cases fail with my answer? Thank ...

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text file I/O
function charnum = char_counter(fname,character) fid = fopen(fname, 'rt'); charnum = 0; if fid<0||~(ischar(character)) c...

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