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Alma #Tezpur University Assam, India
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how to show images at a point in a plot?
1.This one? I{i} = imread(F2(i)); Correct: I{i} = imread(F2); 2. For Better Visualization plot(Long,Lat,'r-', 'LineWidth'...
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Is there a code difference between using custom library blocks vs custom toolbox blocks
For generated code size to be the same as when library blocks are used, the Toolbox blocks should be designed keeping in mind mo...
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labeling a montage image using folder's name
digitDatasetPath = fullfile('c:', 'users', 'isbinfos', 'Desktop', 'camera'); imds = imageDatastore(digitDatasetPath, ... '...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
Material properties for Electromagnetic model
Create the Geometry and Plot pdegplot(model, 'FaceLabels', 'on') Assign material properties % Face 1 electrostaticPropertie...
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How come fsolve is exceeding evaluation limit?
clear; clc; % Initial guess for the solution x0 = [8; 1e-10; 1.2; 5; 0.01]; % Adjusted initial guess % Options for solver...
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Ideas for presenting data vs. two variables,
Combining 2D contour plots with superimposed vector fields could be a fantastic alternate strategy. To ensure clarity while main...
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How to calculate the length of the longest crack in this image automatically ?
img = imread('image_crack.png'); % Enhance contrast enhancedImg = imadjust(grayImg); % Apply Gaussian filter to reduce noise...
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How can I get magnetic current distribution for a dielectric antenna
Change the code as per requirements: Detail Basic: design % Just for example: operating frequency f = 1e9; % Frequency in Hz ...
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Indexing the intersection of polygons.
Other way: xlimit = [3 13]; ylimit = [2 8]; xbox = xlimit([1 1 2 2 1]); ybox = ylimit([1 2 2 1 1]); distancesA = [0; cumsum(...
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MATLAB and Ansys Co-simulations for Motor Drive Application
Generally MATLAB is commonly used for optimization algorithms, while ANSYS is ideal for finite element analysis (FEA). There are...
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How to calculate gradient of 512*512*4 image?
This 512×512×4 representation corresponds to four channels. It simplifies the computation of gradients for individual channels. ...
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How to create a polar histogram in Matlab using a text file
% Load the data with import options filename = 'Mlf_waves2014.txt'; opts = detectImportOptions(filename, 'FileType', 'text', '...
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Forward, Reverse finite difference question
In your code, you have written both forward and reverse functions identically, please check it again and make the reverse code. ...
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Error Correction Code for Images
That Hamming code is a special case of Hamming code. The total number of bits is 7, while the number of data bits is 4. It means...
2 mois il y a | 0
How to count the amount of small squares in this picture?
Approximate Way: image_input=imread('image file name'); image_bw=imbinarize(rgb2gray(image_input)); cc=bwconncomp(image_bw)...
2 mois il y a | 0
Compute a function that has Double summation
Q1 = @(n) (1/alpha_3b)^(n + 2) * (1/alpha_1)^2 * ... (sum((alpha_3b/alpha_1).^(1:10000)) * sum((alpha_3b/alpha_3).^(1:n+1))...
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Importing dat files as a double matrix
Example #Edited (Pls Check Comments) data = readmatrix('yourfile.dat'); data = double(importdata('yourfile.dat'));
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Related to BER Vs SNR plot
As you've mentioned that the code involves the generation of random or sample data (rand function), each time the code is execut...
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Trying to get multiple graphs in one script
If you want to display all plots in the same figure, utilize 'hold on.' For multiple sub-figures, consider using the 'subplot' f...
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Alphabet to binary translate
% Existing binMap and binaryToText function binMap = {'0000001', 'A'; '0000010', 'B'; '0000011', 'C'; '0000100'...
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Is there a way to combine plots generated in simbiology model analyzer into a single figure to export?
I don't think you have to export differently % First subplot for time courses subplot(2, 1, 1); % Plot time courses using da...
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How to address: Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier?
fid = fopen('/dev/tty', 'r'); if fid == -1 error('Failed to open /dev/tty for writing.'); end fprintf(fid, 'Details of...
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adding lines to a contour plot with labels
x1 = -10:0; y1=10:-1:0; x2 = 0:10; y2=0:10; x3=zeros*(0:10); y3=0:10; plot(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,'--'); text(x1(round(le...
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plot a inear sweep & stepped sweep
t=0:8:100; f=linspace(20,2000,length(t)); stairs(t,f); xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Frequency'); hold on plot(0:100,linspace(20...
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Use interp2 to transform a binary matrix with polar values to cartesian values
bscan=rgb2gray(imread('image.png')); result=image2Cart(double(bscan)); imshow(result); function [bscanCart] = image2Cart(bsca...
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Andrews plot function for multivariate control chart limits UCL and LCL
syms theta % P variate vector %Cross check here, just random data, it can be variable p=10; data_sin=sin((1:round(p/2)+1)...
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display corresponding column matrix
A = [1 3 5 ; 2 4 5 ; 5 4 7 ; 2 8 10] B = [29 87 15] idx=find(min(B)==B) data=A(:,idx) It can be condensed into a single line...
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Gershgorin's Circle: how can I find the intersection of the union of circles?
warning off; % gerschgorin.m A=magic(5); gerschgorin(A) function gerschgorin(A) if size(A,1) ~= size(A,2) err...
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Will the MATLAB Answers community diminish/obsolete with the rise of AI-based chatbots?
The MATLAB Answers community is an invaluable resource for all MATLAB users, providing selfless assistance and support. However,...
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réponsesHow can I normalize my PET/CT images
Normalization can be done in multiple scale range. You may follow the following way image_data=double(original_image) %Norma...
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