
Robert Bemis

Actif depuis 2016

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I started using MATLAB in 1985. Top of the line PCs had no hard drive, only 2e-3 GHz CPU, and 5e-4 GB RAM. Look how far we have come since then. Eventually I joined MathWorks. As an application engineer I met thousands of MATLAB users and helped them solve problems. As a quality engineer within the development organization I helped make MATLAB itself even better. Over the years I have used MATLAB to solve a wide range of technical computing problems. I enjoy exploring new problem spaces for myself and helping others learn to use MATLAB.
Professional Interests: data analysis, visualization & algorithm development, signal & image processing, all sorts of scientific/engineering computational problem solving


  • Personal Best Downloads Level 4
  • Editor's Pick
  • First Review
  • 5-Star Galaxy Level 5
  • First Submission

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A soumis

Animated GIF
How to generate an animated GIF from MATLAB

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A soumis

Time index
TIMEIDX returns numeric index given time string

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A soumis

Custom Pan/Zoom Icons
Custom icons used for Pick of the Week blog post

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A soumis

Light Bartlein Color Maps
Generates one of four colormaps using schemes proposed in technical literature

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A soumis

Disk Usage
Lightweight GUI sums up how your disk space is used.

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A soumis

Image Color Reduction
Reduce number of image colors.

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A soumis

Simple DOCK/UNDOCK commands
Convenience functions to dock & undock figures.

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A soumis

Thresholding Tool
Interactively select intensity level for image thresholding.

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A soumis

Convenience functions to find hardware & create objects for supported Image Acquisition devices.

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A soumis

Solve complex curve fit problem with parameter pooling & stratification by nonlinear least-squares.

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A soumis

Audio Spectrum Analyzer
Simulink model and Data Acquisition Toolbox analyze streaming audio from Windows soundcard.

plus de 8 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |

A soumis

Command-line utility to list all function declarations within a specified m-file.

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A soumis

MRI Brain Segmentation
Neuroimaging Case Study for seminars and webinars.

plus de 8 ans il y a | 12 téléchargements |


A soumis

Particle Size Analysis from Image Processing Webinar
Example used for Image Processing Webinar 04-Mar-2004.

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A soumis

Round input to nearest multiple of arbitrary value.

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A soumis

Gravity Measurement Case Study
Scientific imaging case study with MATLAB and toolboxes.

plus de 8 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

Color Segmentation
Example used for Imaging Webinar 26-June-2003.

plus de 8 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |


A soumis

Strip Chart
Scrolling plot to display streaming data.

plus de 8 ans il y a | 5 téléchargements |


A soumis

Descriptive statistic to characterize & compare data sets.

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A soumis

Demo files from Image Processing Webinar
This package contains demos that were used during an Image Processing webinar

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A soumis

DNA MicroArray Image Processing Case Study
Case study used in Biomedical and Image Processing seminars (highlights algorithm development).

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A soumis

Matrix Limits
Provides simple syntax to get range of values in N-dim numeric arrays.

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A soumis

Lidar Imaging Case Study(with Geometric Distortion Correction)
Case study used in Advanced Image Processing seminars (highlights algorithm development)

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A soumis

Sonar Demo
Sonic distance measurement using Windows sound card for data acquisition.

plus de 8 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |
