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Question about the capabilities of AlexNet Deep Learning
Hi, I think this answer might help shed some light:Invalid bounding boxes were removed when use fasterRCNN with Alexnet - MATLA...
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I needed to do the Simulation of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) in Simulink, would like to if any have done this before and also if existing model is there it would be help!
Hi, I think the attached document serves your purpose. It splits the objective into multiple sub systems which can be modelled ...
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How do I get access to the data used in onramp training courses?
Hi Spencer, Though I am unaware of the exact datasets used in ML onramp,there are few sample datasets which are part of the Sta...
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Issue with Simscape Onramp
Settled here right(Possible failure in course Simscape Onramp - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central (
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dividing an image into blocks and each block of sub_blocks
Hi Hadeel, This question seems to be similar to what you have asked:how to divide an image into blocks - MATLAB Answers - MATLA...
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Tracing a line in greyscale image
Hi Santi, I think this question is similar How do you segment the image horizontally? - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central (mathwo...
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How can I make gaussian noise with certain mean value in simulink?
Hi Helia, I think the random number block can be used. It takes in mean, variance, initial seed and sample time as inputs. Hop...
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Fatal Error on Startup
Hi 贝贝, Please contact MathWorks support Contact Us - MATLAB & Simulink ( They are best equipped for this.
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RoadRunner Error "Unsupported filetype selected" when exporting CARLA
Hi Shuto, I think a similar question has been asked before :"Unsupported filetype selected" when exporting scenes to Carla - (m...
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Bug in Simulink onramo
Hey Antonio, In the screenshot, you seem to have misspelt desired as desidered.
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How do I use gaoptim toolbox?
Hi Prerna, The procedure for installing any add on is as follows: On your Matlab start page, go to apps. Click on Get More Ap...
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Zooming a densed signal
Hi Reji, Depends on how much you want to zoom out. Two things which come on the top of my head are using the zoom out function ...
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What motivates you to contribute on Matlab Answers?
I can see a lot of non MathWorks staff being active participants on this forum. Having just started out on this forum(and one da...
plus de 2 ans il y a | 2 réponses | 4
réponsesimage conversion from db to linear
Hey Rishika, I think this might help. Convert decibels to magnitude - MATLAB db2mag - MathWorks India
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How to convert quantized signal to binary signal in Simulink?
Hi Nikita, One way which comes to the top of my head is to use a Matlab function block. Within this block, you can run a functi...
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K means clustering vs K means ++ clustering
Hi winnie poh, You can see the imsegkmeans() function coding by using open imsegkmeans This just calls another function image...
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Image hiding inside an image
Hi Lilly, One suggestion which comes on the top of my head is that you can put the steganography part of the code as a separate...
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Create Antenna Element from MSIREAD
Hi Al, I think there is a similar question on the forum :Import MSI antenna file into a custom antenna element - (
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How to save all the existing variables in the workspace?
Hi MP, I think this answer can help : How to save entire workspace? - ( Hope it helps
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Debug of Discrete Wavelet Transform Script or code
Hey John, It would help if you described the specific nature of error you are encountering. I hope you went through the documen...
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What does the function 'ones' do to a matrix when trying to load an image?
Hi Alexandr, ones() returns an array or a matrix all the elements of which are the number 1. In your case, it will return a 91x...
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I wanna add upper axis to my plot to be the same as in the attached picture.
Hi Khaled, You had to pass the target axes in loglog: clear all % generate some data dollarlost = logspace(4, 12, 81); live...
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Extract certain numbers from a text file.
Hi Ankita, You can use the readtable() function to read from the textfile into a table. After that, you can find out the rows w...
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Which are the alternative codes of heaviside() function?
Hi Tufan, Instead of using the heaviside() function, you can define your own function with a simple if elseif ladder. If the pa...
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Declrarion of an array using tilde (~). what is the correct way of using it, because my code prompts me incorrect use of tilde.
Hi Abraham, Instead of an assignment, you are performing a comparison in the line [~,i]==max(y). For assignment, a single = sym...
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