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ok I know how to code an fprintf if I am printing a value, but I want to make a "title" print for example. Mass ...

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Réponse apportée
Optimization Simple search
I understand your method is more efficient, and i do not believe my bubble sort is working either because I have: sort=bubb...

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Réponse apportée
Optimization Simple search
I am trying to implement this form of a bubble sort, doing what I explained above but matlab is giving me an error because y is ...

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Réponse apportée
Optimization Simple search
I have been looking at everything suggested and researched other options is a bubble sort an efficient way to sort an array as w...

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Matlab Integration
I have a very complex integral I am trying to approximate the integral with in Matlab using Euler's method. I derived the fo...

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Réponse apportée
Optimization Simple search
I know I can use [value index] = min(array) however I am wanting to write my own loop for this. I just want the loop to outp...

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Optimization Simple search
I got a quick question, lets say I have an array of numbers for example [ 9 3 2 7 1 8 ] and I want to find the minimum value ie...

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Réponse apportée
MATLAB Derivative
So I have been playing with code and I have came up with the following: %% Given Definitions dV=1.4*10^4; %units are in ...

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MATLAB Derivative
The spacecraft’s electric thruster has an efficiency given by Eff= 1-(((Isp-5000)^2)/(5000^2)) where Isp is the spec...

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Réponse apportée
Plotting Error
my new code looks like this (I needed a scaler value for error so I left it in my code. %% Analytical simplify(dso...

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Réponse apportée
Plotting Error
I have tried using figure(2) however, I do not know which array to call my error and how to plot it I am a little confused....

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Plotting Error
The following is my code, everything works how I want it to but I need to plot the error on another plot, how do I do this? ...

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Percent Error
Below is some coding I have calculating percent error of Euler's method however there has to be a more efficient way to input th...

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Plotting help
I want to plot an anonymous function on the same plot of a numerical euler's method solution to a problem. My code is below (I h...

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Euler's Method
Using the Euler method solve the following differential equation. At x = 0, y = 5. y' + x/y = 0 Calculate the Numerical so...

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ODE analytical solution
How can I find the analytical solution to the following ode? y'+ x/y=0 when x=0 and y=5.

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Time step help within a while loop
Ok I have the following matlab code I have written I am trying to find the time,mass, and final temperature of a tank being fill...

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Réponse apportée
L U decomposition
Yes, redefining the x like you said allowed the function to output what I was needing, however I must have an error in my coding...

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Réponse apportée
L U decomposition
I tried this but it still outputs my answer the same way, I originally had it as a lowercase x but I changed it to upper case af...

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L U decomposition
Below I have a code written for solving the L U decomposition of a system of equations however I need my code to just output the...

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