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Réponse apportée
Avoid negative sign with compose() when output is zero, e.g. '-0' or '-0.0'
Since it seems MATLAB doesn't have a function for this, here's the one I made. I also like Stephen23's idea of using a regular e...

4 jours il y a | 0


Avoid negative sign with compose() when output is zero, e.g. '-0' or '-0.0'
When compose outputs zero, it includes a negative sign if the number was negative, giving, e.g. -0 or -0.0. How can I avoid this...

5 jours il y a | 3 réponses | 0



Réponse apportée
How can I get script's location when running one section of a script?
I seem to have found a workaround by creating a function in a separate .m in the same folder that calls mfilename("fullpath"), a...

9 mois il y a | 2


How can I get script's location when running one section of a script?
I frequently run scripts one section at a time. I can be using different computers, remote desktops, etc., so the path changes. ...

9 mois il y a | 2 réponses | 0



Réponse apportée
fitcdiscr bug: Why does "ClassNames" now have to be provided in alphanumerical order otherwise accuracy is terrible?
I received the following answer and workaround (using kfoldPredict) from Mathworks technical support: The bug here lies within ...

9 mois il y a | 0


fitPosterior warning: Why does fitPosterior output a warning when the transformation is a step function?
I'm training various SVM models and saving the output from MATLAB. The output has lots of these warning messages: Warning: Clas...

9 mois il y a | 1 réponse | 0




fitcdiscr bug: Why does "ClassNames" now have to be provided in alphanumerical order otherwise accuracy is terrible?
[Update: There is a known bug in kfoldLoss. See answer and workaround from Mathworks technical support in the answers section] ...

9 mois il y a | 2 réponses | 0



Réponse apportée
How to stop further execution of M-script by using command?
This doesn't answer your question, but something I use to stop a program without using an error message like error("Don't panic,...

10 mois il y a | 1


kfoldLoss() values have inconsistent precision between different iterations of a loop
I am training an RBF SVM with leave-one-out cross-validation using 94 observations and I am surpised to find that the precision ...

10 mois il y a | 1 réponse | 0




Possible to iterate over table rows without a loop index variable?
To iterate over the variables (columns) of a table, you can do this: my_table = table([1; 2; 3], [4; 5; 6], ["Seven"; "Eight"; ...

10 mois il y a | 1 réponse | 0




How to output variables properly from a parfor loop
Having read over the documentation and Googled, I have an idea of what I'm not allowed to do in a parfor loop, but can't seem to...

10 mois il y a | 1 réponse | 0



Réponse apportée
How can I check whether an argument is given or not (inputParser)?
Is there any reason not to use exist("arg_name", "var") ? It doesn't give a false positive for a global of the same name. Maybe...

presqu'un an il y a | 0


Create confusion matrix from LDA model
It is easy to train an LDA model and find its accuracy by cross-validation as below: Mdl = fitcdiscr(data, "Response_var_name",...

environ un an il y a | 1 réponse | 0




What is the best way to add empty rows to an existing table, to pre-allocate for more data?
Let's say I have a table that has 100 rows of ten variables and now I know I am going to need another 100 rows (or perhaps 100,0...

environ un an il y a | 2 réponses | 1



Réponse apportée
How do I rename fields of a structure array?
Until Matlab (hopefully) introduces a rename field function, I would convert to a table then use renamevars() and then convert b...

environ un an il y a | 0