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how to separate a matrix according to class labels?
classmatrices = splitapply(@(rows) {yourmatrix(rows, :)}, (1:size(yourmatrix, 1)'), yourmatrix(:, 3)) is one way. Note that in ...

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Numeric matrix to string matrix
The easiest way, by far, to do this in matlab is: A = [1 2 45 4 ; 5 6 45 8]; %demo data result = discretize(A, [-Inf, 30, 50...

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rounding numbers in a specific values
multiply by 2, round to the nearest integer, divide back by 2 => round to the nearest 1/2: >> Num = 10.25; >> round(Num*2)/2 ...

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Réponse apportée
Fastest way to find unique cells in a logical cell array
Why are you using a cell array to start with? A 6x6x4096 matrix would be more efficient in term of speed and memory. It also mak...

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Réponse apportée
remove all ones from matrix in combinantion
Your problem is a covering problem. A search on the file exchange may find some solutions there. I've not understand your after...

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Réponse apportée
Calculate multiple means in table by column indices
newtable = groupsummary(yourtable, {'Phase', 'Time'}, 'mean', 4:width(yourtable)) %mean of all but the first 3 variables, groupe...

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Réponse apportée
How to subset data based on time range
It's not too clear what you mean by subsetting.If you want to bin the dates in ranges of 18 hours then use discretize: discreti...

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Réponse apportée
XML file generation in matlab
First, whenever you copy/paste code multiple times and only change an index each time you need to realise that you need to repla...

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how to concatenate two tables into one such that the timestamps of two tables are in sequence and the corresponding values are arranged according to their timestamps
It should be very easy. Convert your tables to timetables (if they're not already) then call synchronize: speedtimetable = tabl...

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Réponse apportée
How to show all cell contents
I want to see all the Genes array components Unless you code your own table display function, which would be a fair amount of w...

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Réponse apportée
use of comma & semi colon
You're asking a very basic question. 5 minutes with any tutorial would have answered it. We recommend that you go through the fr...

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how to find y value from the 3d graph with a known x and z values
Seems fairly simply, just build a scattered interpolant and use that to interpolate your query points. x=[2.6,5.2,14,23.3,28.3,...

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Réponse apportée
How to read numerics as strings with readtable?
opts = detectImportOptions(yourfile); opts = setvartype(opts, whichevervariable, 'string'); %or 'char' if you prefer data = r...

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Réponse apportée
Read text file with string
Should work in R2016a: filename = 'My2.TXK'; %using full path would be better [fid, errmsg] = fopen(filename, 'rt'); assert(...

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Réponse apportée
Calculate the mean of region with nonzero pixels
As I've answered in your other question: This requires a different approach altogether. You need to use one of the aggr...

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Is a project with source control via Github public?
This it not really a matlab question. Quick search on github help pages gives this link. If you need more help ask in a github f...

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Réponse apportée
Creating a matrix of all possible combinations of an array - MATLAB
" as opposed to making many for loops" Why would you use loops for this? %x: a vector of numbers x = 1:5; %n: number of elem...

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Réponse apportée
Double sum with upper limits
s = (1:size(d, 1)).'; result = sum(sum(d .* cos(s))) / sum(cos(s)); Loops not needed, they're just a waste of time.

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Réponse apportée
How to extract data from .mat file that contains table
A structure and a table are two completely different things in matlab. Now, loadfile is always going to be a structure. The fie...

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Réponse apportée
How do I delete cells in a column based on information from another column?
Considering the format of your spreadsheet you would be better off importing the data as a table. If I understood correctly what...

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An error using fprintf
Any suggestions? Yes, for some reason, fopen failed to open the file. There can be many reasons, the most likely being that the...

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Réponse apportée
Distance between all points of two vectors
Loops are rarely needed in matlab. They just make the code more complicated. Case in point: D = hypot(x-x.', y-y.'); All done!...

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Réponse apportée
Convert cell array into matrix, but with removing the words, commas, etc
Where does the cell array come from? If it's from a file import then the simplest thing is to fix the import. It is very likely ...

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Réponse apportée
Fixing error while evaluating callback for GUI
From your code: ris=(get(findobj('tag','ris'),'string')); ristep=(get(findobj('tag','ristep'),'string')); We've got u...

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Réponse apportée
FillPattern of a Rectangle
Unfortunately for you, there is no such function in matlab. You may search the FileExchange to see if somebody has implemented s...

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Dot indexing is not supported for variable of this type.
Any idea in how to fix this.? Not being snarky, but reading the documentation of the function would be the way to fix it. % ...

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Réponse apportée
How to create a histogram without using the matlab function
As Steven said, use discretize to find the bin indices and then one of the many aggregation functions in matlab. With 3 vector i...

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Réponse apportée
need a code for a slider that can show different images for a volume of dicom images
How can I use the volume viewer ? I need a slider I don't think you can integrate in your own GUI, it's already a GUI on its ow...

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Réponse apportée
how to extract (x-y) coordinates after using the RECTANGLE function
%r: [X, Y, width, height] description of a rectangle, that would be pass to rectangle with: rectangle('Position', r) X = [r(1),...

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Réponse apportée
How to calculate euclidean distance between two feature vectors
"Is this the right approachto find the euclidean distance?" Depends on which euclidean distance you're trying to calculate. Bo...

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