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Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1.
You've not defined Xev_1 in line 44

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Num of max consective occurance of 'T'
Hi @Sarvesh, You can use the following code: load('Consective Occ of T.mat') [uniqueIDs, maxConsecutiveOnes, closestOneIndice...

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Réponse apportée
2 different legend on the same graph for the same data
Hi @Irad Brandys, You can usually have only 1 legend per plot. However, you can use a small workaround to make two overlappin...

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Réponse apportée
Best/Cleanest way to select a specific sheet from an excel file?
Hi @Kealan, Excuse me for this elaborate answer, but I will be answering two parts of your question. To say the "best" way in...

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Réponse apportée
modify v1 so that any value less than 4 is replaced with the value 0. Please help me making code.
Hi @Engr.Syed Hassan Iqbal Shah, v1 = randi([1 6],1,10) % Example data % Replace any value less than 4 with 0 v1(v1 < 4) = ...

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Réponse apportée
Matlab Online Cannot "Open" Simulink File
Hi @Yan Kai Lai, This issue was reproducible by me and it seems to be severe. I cannot find many users reporting the same in ...

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Réponse apportée
ReqIF import error: Type 'xhtml:p' has not been found in the registry
Hi @shuang, There is a temporary workaround for this issue, as it has been pointed out in the following MATLAB Answer Thread: ...

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Réponse apportée
Has the MATLAB 'mget' function changed from versions R2020a to R2024a?
Hi @Gavin The following are the documentation links of "mget()" function from 2020b and 2024a: 2020b:

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Réponse apportée
quantaize data and build an histogram
Hi @michael, You can use the following code to achieve what you are trying to do: X = randi([0, 360], 1000, 1); Y = randi([...

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Réponse apportée
how to using fitcknn instead of knnclassify?
Hi @Bayu Ramadhan, To use the "fitcknn" in place of "knnclassify" you would have to follow the same procudure as using "knncl...

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Réponse apportée
Calling python function using Matlab error: Unable to resolve the name
Hi @Saswati, It is posisble that the issue you are encountering is due to python changes not reflecting on your MATLAB Window...

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Réponse apportée
Low performance when training SVM model using "polynomial" kernel function
Hi @minhyuk jeung, The accuracy you achieve with a Kernal Function would depend on the data distribution. Adding your data mi...

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Réponse apportée
The maximum value is not changing even after adding 1
Hi @Palguna Gopireddy, The reason is quite simple, your data is stored as an "uint8" which stands for "unsigned integers in 8 b...

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Réponse apportée
Parsing Through HTLM Style .txt File
Hi @Adam Holland, You can consider using the "readstruct()" function in MATLAB. It allows you to input an "XML" file and pars...

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Réponse apportée
Error in user-supplied fitness function evaluation - Genetic Algorithm
Hi @Matheus Caramalac, The issue here seems to be arising due to the following piece of code: ind_acom = find(erro >= -valor...

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Réponse apportée
If I change my PC, can I re-install a Matlab license in the new PC (uninstalling from the old)?
Yes, your MATLAB license can be transferred to your new computer. Refer to the following MATLAB Answer: https://www.mathworks....

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Réponse apportée
Is it possible to define a distance from obstacles to RRT*?
Hi @Yovel, Adding another solution where you can simply scale up the obstacle map and then change the obstacle map: minDista...

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Réponse apportée
Is it possible to define a distance from obstacles to RRT*?
Hi @Yovel, To implement the same you would need to modify "isStateValid" routine of a "manipulatorCollisionBodyValidator". You ...

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Réponse apportée
i have error in runge kutta 4 order.
Hi @Rashmi, The error occurs as you are trying to index the variable "S" while calling function "u3" whereas you have declare...

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Réponse apportée
Time format is changed to decimal when calling the time data from excel.
Hi @Swathi, time_in_decimal = readmatrix("TimeData.xlsx"); timeDuration = time_in_decimal * 24 * 60 * 60; timeDuration = seco...

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why am i getting unsatisfied result with same Training and Testing data in Narx time series network?
Hi @Hemant, Let's try and see the correlation between Current and Temperature. Data = readtable('Data.xlsx'); Current = table...

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Réponse apportée
Extracting data from struct as matrix
Hi @Rashi Monga, You can consider the following workaround for your problem, without using for loops: S(1).a = 1:10; S(2).a...

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Réponse apportée
Unable to read the data in excel file from MATLAB online.
Hi @Swathi, If the "matlabdrive" path indeed points to "/MATLAB Drive/", it's possible that the issue with your file lies wit...

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Réponse apportée
Extracting data from struct as array
Hi @Rashi Monga, You can use "vertcat()" for using the same. Refer to the following code: % Your structure S(1).a = 1:10; ...

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Réponse apportée
how to draw this geometry OF TWO SHAPES?
Hi @Ms, For creating the given figure, you need to break down the figure into three parts. Using the 2D Geometry definition, ...

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Réponse apportée
Value to differentiate is not traced. It must be a traced real dlarray scalar. Use dlgradient inside a function called by dlfeval to trace the variables.
Hi @yingyu jiang, You are getting this error as you are using "extractData" with a traced argument. This would lead to breaki...

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Réponse apportée
not enough input arguments when using function functions.
Hi @Arthur, The error is occuring as you are likely not passing "f" as a "function handle". You can try calling "heun(u0,n,dt...

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Réponse apportée
How can I plot the magnitude spectrum for these three filters?
Hi Faisal, To plot the magnitude spectrum for the low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass filters you've designed, you can use MAT...

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Réponse apportée
Is there any feasible method to automated labelling images for a deep learning task, which I have a lot of images to label which is not practically feasible to do manually
Hi @Kalhara, The feasibility completely depends on what labels you intend to provide. If you have an "algorithmic" definition...

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Réponse apportée
Colouring/shading of a sector of a polar representation in combination with animatedline
Hi @Kalle, Starting R2024a, you can achieve this using "polarregion()". You can use "theta_rad(i)" to find the range of theta...

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