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How can you design linear arrays using a different axis than the xz-plane in antennaArrayDesigner?
Hi Will, You can design an antenna array with arbitrary geometry using the 'Conformal' Array type in the Antenna Array Designe...

14 jours il y a | 1

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design lowpass butterworth filter
Hi Steven, To achieve a gain other than 0 dB in the low-frequency region, you can multiply the linear gain with the frequency r...

19 jours il y a | 0

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inverse FFT for recreating radiation pattern
Hi, I can understand that you wanted to find the set of amplitudes and phases for the array elements that produce a radiation ...

23 jours il y a | 1

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How can I use the iswt2 from the wavelet toolbox with a different dwtmode?
Hi Julian, I understand you are trying to use Symmetrization mode for 'swt2' and 'iswt2' function. According to MATLAB R2021a ...

24 jours il y a | 0