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In simulink, how can I make a parameter of a simulink block continuously updated during the simulation time by MATLAB function block?
Hi Yeonghoon, One option to try would be the Parameter Writer. Don't know if the particular block and block parameter in questi...
1 jour il y a | 0
Why does this integral of a relatively well behaved function return NaN values?
Hi Ryan, I think that individual terms in the integrand blow up to inf when evaluating in double precision. u = 10^6; % unit c...
2 jours il y a | 1
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ECEF 6DOF block - integrator initial conditions
Hi Thomas, Are you referring to 6DOF ECEF (Quaternion)? What exactly do you mean by the "body rate integrator"? Are you loggin...
5 jours il y a | 0
Filter Z Transform Manipulation
Define a filiter in Signal Processing Toolbox (SPT) and plot the frequency response fc = 300; fs = 1000; [b,a] = butter(6,fc/...
6 jours il y a | 0
discontinuous differential equations using inverse z transform?
It appears the goal is to derive a difference equation from the corresponding, discrete-time, transfer function. Define the tra...
6 jours il y a | 0
Problem using variable='z^-1' in Z transform with Z^-1 format
When specifying a tf in with Variable='z', the num and den are interpreted as being coefficients of descending powers of z num=...
6 jours il y a | 0
How do you get a symbolic answer for this z transform in MATLAB
With the default symbolic preferences sympref('default'); We have heaviside(0),disp(char(ans)) So the discrete-time unit ste...
6 jours il y a | 0
How to convert state space to transfer function.
See this answer for how to represent the state space model in the Control Systems Toolbox.
6 jours il y a | 0
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How can I plot a correct fft of cosine wave?
The problem statement is to plot the Fourier Transform of a cosine (cos(2*pi*t)), but sampled with sample frequency of fs=12Hz. ...
7 jours il y a | 0
Adding 0 value place holders to string array
s= [ "0, 74, 46, 94" "7, 64, 8" "8, 50, 32, 70" "6, 43" "3, 55, 47"] c = count(s,",") s = arrayfun(@(s,c) join([s,repmat...
9 jours il y a | 0
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Problem with ctrbf() and its answer
Check the doc page ctrbf to see how A_bar etc. are arranged in terms of the uncontrollable and controllable portions.
13 jours il y a | 0
Open loop stability: Bode - Pole zero plot mismatch
Use the open-loop system developed by @Arkadiy Turevskiy in this comment sys=zpk([2.4*10^9*j -2.4*10^9*j], [-0.0000001 -11.5*10...
13 jours il y a | 0
Complex variable substitution using Symbolic Toolbox no working as expected.
% Define symbolic variables syms R81 R79 R80 C37 C67 T z fs %complex syms w s % complex % Define the frequency-domain transfe...
14 jours il y a | 0
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How to get PD parameters
Hi Hasan, Let's take a look at the code. s = tf('s'); Gp = 2 / (0.2 * s + 1); %pump Gv = (2.2 * 10^-3) * 2; %valve Gt = 2...
14 jours il y a | 0
Inverse fft doesn't match analytical formulation
Let's take things one step at a time and see where they lead. If we have Continous-Time Fourier Transform (CTFT) F(w) = 1/w^2 ...
18 jours il y a | 1
What are All of the Variables in the Workspace on Answers?
What are all of these and should they be here? whos In particular, having an empty double named 'i' is not good as that can sc...
19 jours il y a | 1 réponse | 0
Why is Documentation Missing When Installed Locally?
I have the documentation installed locally, but I just noticed that doc can't find the documenation for the Statistics and Machi...
20 jours il y a | 1 réponse | 0
réponseGradient Vector for partial derivative seems backward for dfdx
Hi Kevin, It turns out that nDfy only gives the correct result because of the symmetry. xo = 0.8; yo = 0.2; h = 0.01; ...
20 jours il y a | 1
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PID Controller Design by Pole Assignment
Hi Bahadir, I'm not sure if the code is implementing what it should, but the reason the result is coming back with Ki = bres = ...
20 jours il y a | 1
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Step response of transfer function different in ODE45 than in 'step' and 'lsim'
Hi dikkemulle, The compensation is different between the two cases. For the ode45 implementation (ignoring v_desired for simp...
20 jours il y a | 1
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M,C and K into state space model
mechss doesn't work? sys = mechss(M,D,K,B,F,[],[])
24 jours il y a | 0
multiply a matrix into every block matrix in a big matrix
Check out blockproc. Example data H = [1,2;3,4]; rng(100); A = rand(4,6); Result R = blockproc(A,[2 2],@(B) H* Che...
25 jours il y a | 0
Can you call Simulink models recursively?
Hi Jan, I think the Tapped Delay block is exactly what you need.
25 jours il y a | 0
Simulating the impulse response of a higher order filter.
Hi @saqib, You're probably running into issues with numerical accuracy because the coefficients in the system are so large. Ge...
27 jours il y a | 0
why am I Unable to overplot a line on a surface plot?
Can't recreate on Answers what you're seeing when using surface. However, I think you get what you're lookng for by using pcolor...
27 jours il y a | 0
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Matlab ilaplace not working properly
ilaplace can return a closed form, symbolic expression if we give it some help, though it's a bit of a mess. Unclear why it need...
27 jours il y a | 1
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how to find a function written as a series
Would be nice to see the actual mathematical equation to be solved. Assuming the equation and solution follows the exposition at...
27 jours il y a | 0
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How to extract the term associated with a symbolic variable and assign to another symbolic variable?
syms R_v L_v L_ph U_s U_i w s U_sr U_si real; syms Z_v Z Y S; U_s = U_sr + 1i*U_si; U_i = 1 + 1i*0; s = s + 1i*w; Z_v = R_v...
29 jours il y a | 0
simplify() with dirac and All = true Doesn't Work?
Fixed in 2024b: syms x real simplify(dirac(x)) % works simplify(dirac(x),'All',true) % now works
29 jours il y a | 0
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Is Code Not Running on Answers?
Is code not running on Answers? Every time I hit the run button, the page hangs with the red square instead of the greeen triang...
environ un mois il y a | 1 réponse | 0