Konstantinos Sofos
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Senior Quantitative Analyst
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I can't plot during my loop! Help!
Hi you could use plot(i,sumX,'k*'); % set black asterisk <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/46684/mathworks_plot...
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Is it possible to stitch two subplot images together, without any gap in between the subplot images?
Hi you can use <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/27991-tight-subplot subplot_tight> from the FEX. to remove ...
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How to 'divide' the x-axis based on y-values?
Hi, There are really many and nice ways to take the desire output...here just one quick solution with some patches x = l...
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Help regarding usage of Anonymous functions
Hi, Firstly i fully agree with the comment of Star Strider. Because as you say you are "newbie" to matlab i would suggest you...
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I have few excel program that I needed to be read by MATLAB. Now I want to enter the file name as an input. How do I make Matlab read that input file name?
Hi, <http://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/xlsfinfo.html xlsfinfo> will get you a list of sheet names into your Excel file....
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How to find 'numbers' of unique variable in matrix. How many quantity of variables.
Hi, To reformulate your question (as I understood it) you would like to be able to return the count of occurrences of each el...
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How to call a function of a matlab file in another matlab file ?
The first function in an m-file (i.e. the main function), is invoked when that m-file is called. It is not required that the mai...
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how to find the element which is greater than or equal to its row and smaller or equal to its column in a matrix
Dear Muhammad, You know it's very unfair continuously to ask the forum to solve your exercises/homework. I can understand you...
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Is there a method to extract all the data from a nested cell array when each nested cell is of a different size?
Hi George, My first thought would be to apply a recursive function using the <http://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/cellfun...
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I have problem with using fopen
Hi Ahmed, Have you read the documentation for the function <http://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/fopen.html fopen> ? ...
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Export data from CSV file as a vector.
As I miss your sample of data, I have created one by myself (attached Data.csv). Below you can find a script that read this type...
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Standard builtin function for euclidean distance matrix?
what about <http://de.mathworks.com/help/stats/pdist.html pdist>? % Compute the ordinary Euclidean distance. X = [1,...
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I want to calculate this integral
Hi Ujjal, In your case you have to numerically evaluate an integral of a 4-variable function. Mathworks provides built-in fun...
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How can I use structs as x input for Matlabs optimization methods?
Hi Carolin, Have you seen <http://de.mathworks.com/help/gads/create-a-problem-structure.html Create Problem Structure> ? ...
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Using for loop to load multiple mat files of different names
Hi Jonathan, You are quite close. If you want to process all the files whose name matches a pattern in a directory, you can u...
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how to find the standard deviation of one file which i want to run it for 100 times.
Hi, Assuming your function is the "PathGen" (because you haven't posted or uploaded anything) with 2 outputs [Path,Time...
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Importing multiple datasets from one text file
Hi, I assume that <http://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/dlmread.html dlmread> will do the job that you need from the time ...
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How can I use input values to create an array?
xi = []; % Initialize array/vector for i=1:5 xii = input('Enter value or enter 100 to stop: '); if xii==100 ...
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Saving Cell array and String to text file.
Hi, Can you try fid = fopen(FilePath,'w'); fprintf(fid,'%s\n',cellfun(@(x) char(x),Cell_in,'UniformOutput',false)); ...
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Binary data processing in an algorithm
Hi Does <http://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/bitshift.html bitshift> help you? a = intmax('uint8'); s1 = 'Initi...
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how to find locations of consecutive blocks of ones
Hi Imola, If i understood well you want to build a vector which contains the maximum number of consecutive 1s values of each ...
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Assigning values to vectors of different lenghts
Hi, if your starting point is that you have *a* and *c* you can make *d* from *b* as [~,idx] = ismember(c,a); d = ...
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I did this codes but its not working,can anyone figure out whats wrong?
Hi, *Resize an image using imresize* If you have the Image processing toolbox installed then you could use <http://de.math...
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Call file names one by one from an array
Hi, By d.name you call all names,instead use d(idx).name to call the required filename for idx=1:length(d) input...
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Unnest a Matrix of strings
Hi, You could use simple the <http://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/vertcat.html vertcat> vertcat(M{:}) Example: ...
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how do I create the below Matrix?
Hi, As James wrote you:Have you reviewed the doc on <http://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/diag.html diag> to see how to ge...
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solve residue by matlab
I would suggest to use L'Hôpital's rule but you could use also the following <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchang...
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Replace String with a NaN in table
Hi, _" I guess they are strings"_ ...you cannot open your table or see in the workspace what type are they? Do you mean so...
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Write a function to determine which elements of an array are even numbers (i.e., …, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, …). Your function should return a logical array of the same size as the input with 1s (TRUE) in the locations corresponding to even numbers.
funvtion Out = findeven(In) Out = ~mod(In,2) end Assuming: In = -6 -5 -2 0 ...
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Surface under the curve
*griddata* is the key function Does this helps <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/184254-how-to-plot-a-2d-matrix...
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